Sunday, April 22, 2007

it's time to travel baby!

hey everyone! it seems like so much has happened lately that i don't know where to begin...

well other than all of the friends that i'm making, it seems to be quite the time to spend with God as well. it's really intense most of the time, but it's nice 'cause then everything seems to be getting out in the open. it's so nice to get everything out in the open, deal with everything, and then be able to move on and really listen to God and what he wants.

sooo, i'm going out to the ASIA PACIFIC! so, i'll be hitting up fiji, phillipines, thailand and cambodia... then ending in isreal. i'm so pumped about it! it's going to be soo awesome. and, the people that i will be going with are alyssa, this other 18 yr old canadian chick that's pretty sweet. we're getting along pretty well, and it's good to have another canadian on the team. then there's this girl val. she's awesome! i'm getting along with her really well, and we may travel afterwards... we'lll see! then there's this guy called andres who is nice. i haven't really gotten to know him very well yet, but i like how he questions a lot of things, and is really inquisitive. it's really good to have a different, bolder outlook. then there's suzanne! now SHE is sweet. i love that girl. probably because she is from alaska, but you know. j/k. she's just so chill and really nice all around. those are the guys on the outreach. then there's nate and wendy, a married couple that will be leading our group. i'm really looking forward to it. it'll just take a while to get to know them... as the dynamics of the base are a little different for them. wendy's not with us all the time. she's the registrar, so i don't see her that much. but it seems to be alright. i mean i talked to both of them about their outlook on the outreach and what was going to be going on... how open they'd be with us and everything. it seems to be really good. so, i'm really pumped about it!

after we found out about our outreach destination we also were told about the around the world ticket that we will be recieving with it. so, basically with my ticket i will have 3 stops in europe and then 6 stops in central and north america. anyways, we have to have all of our desitnations in by this thursday, so the 26th. long story short, i'm probably going to greece and then traveling some other places in europe until the 15th of october. then after that i'll be going to south america with this funny german bro called christoph. we're still trying to find another person to join us... so we'll see where we go from there. but, i have a lot of peace about it all. God's just totally doing a number to me on that one. it's just faith! and, it's pretty nice. alright, so in mid october i'll be going to south america, and then travel up through central america into the states and then travel to new zealand afterwards. we're not sure about the time line yet, but that's the plan so far. so, it looks really good and i hope that it'll all work out the way that God wants it too...

a huge theme for me lately has been kids. i really am enjoying them here, and we'll see where God wants me to go, but we were having this world awareness night out here, and we were talking about people traficing. mainly it's in the area of the sex industry, and my heart just lept out for these kids/young adults that are going through all of this! we'll see what God wants in the end, but i'm totally willing to do whatever he's calling me to do... no set plans yet!


Anonymous said...

WOW!! That sounds amazing. I can't belive you're going to do and are doing all of these things. So cool.
God bless and hope the travel plans work out well.


Anonymous said...

Hey Danae Ian here, I am glad you found a place to go to, and it does sound pretty neat(someone told me that Canadians say that word a lot). I am glad you are meeting awesome people, but what else would I expect from you. Anyways, i just hope that asia paccific really works out for u. Ian
p.s. africa is sweet

Anonymous said...

Very exciting plans, Danae. Great to hear you are making lots of new friends too. Have a great day
Love, Aunt Val

Mom said...

It's wonderful to see how the Lord is working in your life. I was surprised to hear that you have to make all the plans for your around the world ticket so early. Your travel plans look amazing. Sounds like you're also making some good friendships, which is great.
Love you lots, Mom

Auntie Pam said...

hey, hey Danae!

my, you have certainly had a lot of big decisions to make in a short time! it all sounds very exciting and adventurous - so awesone! it sounds like you have really settled in to your current situation and are making the most of every opportunity - good for you!!! we are so proud of you.

keep chasing after God and His plan and you will be blessed beyond what you can even imagine!

love you lots!
autie pam & crew