Friday, April 13, 2007

africa, asia... is it all the same?

hey guys, so i would just like your prayers/thoughts if you have time. the options for the outreach came in and since this is such a small school there were only 3 options compared to the 6 options that we were shown on the internet. although i thought that i was originally going to go to south america, it seems like to be a hard option (as we won't be going there). anyways, our options are africa (south africa, kenya, uganda, morocco), asia pacific (fiji, philippines, thailand, cambodia) or central asia (hong kong/china, india, oman, yeman). all of these will be ending up in israel. so, i would just love clarity in this area. i think that i'll probably be going to the asia pacific, but we'll see what actually's going to happen. i just am kinda worried about it all.


Mom said...

Danae,too bad the South America outreach didn't work out for you, because I know that's really where you thought you should go. I'll pray that the Lord will give you clarity and a passion to serve in a different area. I think your title "africa, it all the same?" is interesting. I don't think it is all the same because everybodys passion to reach a certain people group varies. When the time comes to make the decision as to where you'll be going, I pray that you'll know without a doubt.
Love you, Mom

pamela said...

hey danae!

looks like you have come face to face with the unexpected, huh? these times can be challenging and confusing, but they can also be times of stretching and opening our eyes to something we hadn't considered before. i'm sure you are disappointed that you can't go to south america like you thought, but try to see this as an opportunity instead of a disappointment. i, for one, hate it when my plans get changed; but i am trying to come to grips with the idea that i can't control everything (even tho i would really like to!) and that taking a path you didn't necessarily choose can be even more rewarding. like i said, i'm trying - haven't quite got there yet :D

try not to worry about it - just find time to be quiet and listen to what God is saying to your heart. He won't leave you high & dry. it's so easy for us to get busy making plans and figuring things out that we forget to be still and listen! we're praying for you. you'll know what to do.

we all love you lots!
auntie pam & crew

Anonymous said...

Hi Danae: sometimes we don't have much choice where we go and God is there regardless. Where ever He takes you, you can be sure it will be exciting. So glad to hear your trip so far has been good. We'll be praying for you and trust God will reveal Himself to you. bye for now uncle Shaun

Anonymous said...

ps: we had a great time in Aus, got back safe. Was a fun time with Eric and Kristen, he will be home soon and Kristen is really enjoying school. Were excited for her. Bethany was in her glory to have them around again. bye uncle Shaun

Anonymous said...

NOt sure what else I van add to the comments that have already been made. Actually in talking to your mom today she said that you had called last night and that you are going to the Asia Pacific region. I am sure the Lord will use you mightily wherever you go. So go with Him!
Your blog is very interesting Danae, thanks for sharing your thoughts and deep feelings with us. It helps to have more direction in how to pray for you and how to rejoice with you. And rejoice we are, that you are following where the Lord is leading. hang in there and have a great time both in quaint little Oxford as well as on the outreaches.
Love, Aunt Val

Anonymous said...

Hey danae, that is really to bad that u cant go to south america, i feel bad for u. But i hope that God shows u where he wants u to go and i know that wherever u go u will have an awesome time and that u will be an encourgament to people wherever u go. its awesome here in africa, i will email u soon, Ian

Anonymous said...

Hey Danae!

Its Jill here! I think I'm with the general consensus that go with what you feel God wants you to do right now. But my personal opinion would be... asia pacific or central. but thats just me. lol.. nobody else actually gave an opinion i think (well i actually didn't read them all but i thought i would anyways)

although i'm guessing you have chosen already. and i'll be pumped for you wherever you go!

love jill