Thursday, April 17, 2008

home sweet home

hey so i'm home... and loving it so far! it's not as culture shocked as many other places such as england or california. it was nice that i went there before the whole home journey as it's helped out a lot both in culture shock wise as well as time difference wise. the cultures are just so different, from induvidual to a community base. it's kinda been a little bit different in the whole mindset of things.

i'm really enjoying it and having a great time just being home, yet it's just so chill. yeah, we'll see what happens later on, but right now it seems to be going great.

anyways, thanks for the prayers and thoughts along the way, i'll still be updating this, but probably not my corporate e-mails... as i'm not "away from home" anymore... i hope the personal letters stay in tact though!


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