Saturday, February 16, 2008

update # 5

hey hey hey! so, here's another update. things seem to be going quite leew leew (fast) out here. it's going well, i'm enjoying it, and it's funny 'cause now when i'm feeling more solid ground in That culture, the hot 30+ weather is feeling normal, and i'm feeling more like family, i'm planning on leaving! it's funny how everything works out, like when i almost start to feel comfortable, everything seems to change! it's a good/hard thing. i've been moving a lot this past year... and as much as i've loved it, it's hard 'cause i'm going through so much! it would be nice to have a travel buddy, to bounce ideas off with, but i'm really enjoying this time in my life, just how it is. the problem is that when you travel it's hard to put into words what you're going through as it seems more like a different world rather then a different continent.

i'm excited for roy and bonita's return. they left at the end of last month for a one month excursion to the states where roy has some meetings. anyways, they'll be back this coming thursday.

things at the house have seemed a little hectic since last time. there was a fire next door, and that didn't really affect us... but the emotional side of things seems to be getting to us a lot. there's so many decisions about making good choices. i know that i've made my fare share of negative ones, but when you're on the outside looking in it brings a whole different outlook on things. i care for the ladies, but i don't care for the sin. it's hard to know how much to care and about what. i'm not stressed about it, i just care and know that they are amazing people, i just wish they knew that and accepted it, deep down into their being. there seems to be a level of heaviness in the household, it's not necessarily bad, as it can be needed for change, but it still is rather heavy!

speaking of ladies, it looks as though there's going to be another lady joining us on the 5th of next month. well, that's the plan for now. if you'd pray about it, one lady looks very interested in coming and some of her friends might come and join her as well. i'd love for more roommates!

i've also gone to cambodia since last time i wrote an update letter. it's so amazing how everything worked out, and a long story short i got a 60 day visa, which lasts exactly until the day i am going to leave. God's timing is impeccable! it's hard for me to even try to fathom how big he is... and how much he cares. i guess i'll leave you with that. God's care. i mean, it's not something i say all the time... but God is love. he's not an aspect of it or an expression of it, he is the essence of love... now what does love mean?

thank-you so much for your care, prayers and insight into my life and Christ. if you have any questions, comments, or just want to talk, you can reach me here or on facebook

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